Anapoly Ltd is based in Plymouth. Our interests in education and the experience we have in our team led us to work with the Universities of Warwick and Plymouth, and we are currently in discussions with Plymouth Marjon University about how we can assist them.
As a natural corollary, we seek to invest our capabilities in young people who have ideas about innovation and entrepreneurship. For example by encouraging and supporting them to develop their business ideas and create start-up enterprises.
Anapoly has a small office in the centre of Plymouth with workspace for about 4 people. With mentoring and coaching by Anapoly and other support from the local entrepreneurial ecosystem, this can be a stepping stone for young entrepreneurs as they develop their businesses.
Working separately from the university milieu in a supported environment
We seek, also, to help build social capital within the community, for example by providing technical support for the online activity of a mission community comprising nine Anglican parishes.