KS1 assessments 2011
KS1-KS2 progress measures
Department for Education (?) paper on progress measures from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2.
Standard Progress
Primary schools have progress tracking systems. Primary Progress Toolkit (www.primaryprogresstoolkit.co.uk) uses the measure of Standard Progress to track pupil progress against National Standards.
Publish or Perish
Publish or Perish is a software program that retrieves and analyzes academic citations. It uses Google Scholar to obtain the raw citations, then analyzes these and presents the following statistics:
- Total number of papers
- Total number of citations
- Average number of citations per paper
- Average number of citations per author
- Average number of papers per author
- Average number of citations per year
- Hirsch’s h-index and related parameters
- Egghe’s g-index
- The contemporary h-index
- The age-weighted citation rate
- Two variations of individual h-indices
- An analysis of the number of authors per paper.
Scholarometer – a social tool to facilitate citation analysis and help evaluate the impact of an author’s publications.
In today’s workshop the group explored the meaning and relevance of ‘theory’.
We drew on work by Neuman (2006, ch.3) to explore the parts of social theory, viz: assumptions, concepts, relationships and units of analysis. We identified that theoretical concepts:
- are”ideas we can express as a symbol or in words“;
- vary according to their level of abstraction;
- vary as to scope, some being “very narrow and applying only to specific settings or … [being] restricted in time or place“;
- can be single but usually “form interconnected groups or concept clusters“;
We also talked at some length about how concepts can be assembled into theoretical frameworks (see figure below) that allow us to give meaning to and explain the ideas in a research study.
Source: Neuman, p.70
NEUMAN, W. L. 2006. Social research methods : qualitative and quantitative approaches, Boston, Mass. ; London, Pearson, Allyn and Bacon.
Citavi reference management and knowledge. Free to use for up to 100 references
Max Wideman
CiteSeerx is an evolving scientific literature digital library and search engine that focuses primarily on the literature in computer and information science. CiteSeerx aims to improve the dissemination of scientific literature and to provide improvements in functionality, usability, availability, cost, comprehensiveness, efficiency, and timeliness in the access of scientific and scholarly knowledge.
Rather than creating just another digital library, CiteSeerx attempts to provide resources such as algorithms, data, metadata, services, techniques, and software that can be used to promote other digital libraries. CiteSeerx has developed new methods and algorithms to index PostScript and PDF research articles on the Web.